I'm finishing up the bank's newsletter today. I wrote this in one of the columns. I'm sure it will not be in there when we go to print it. I got a stupid forwarded email about how someone was offended about this happy holidays or merry christmas thing. In the subtitle was "Immigrants not Americans need to adapt."
Sheesh. Since when was Christmas about being American? Anyway, here's my little article. By the way, the end is a total ripoff of Brennan Manning's
Ragamuffin Gospel.
Here’s wishing you all the best during this holiday season.
This Christmas I hope you can find joy in more than the gifts, the tree, the lights and the food. Although all those things make me happy. May you find joy in the people around you, and the love you share. Whether you say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Channukah or whatever, may you treat those around you with love and compassion. May you reach out to those in need, may you walk the extra mile. I hope you smile at those you might otherwise scorn, and give sacrificially to those who need it.
This season is about more than gifts, it’s about more than family, it’s about hope for all mankind. Hope that there is something more and something bigger. It is a time to remember that you are precious, that person who took your parking spot is precious, that wino on the corner is precious, and that teenage girl walking out of an abortion clinic is precious.
How we treat the people around us says more about what we believe than whether we say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.