welcome matt

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It wouldn't be summer without us moving

You might say, but it's not summer. It was 103 on Monday, it's summer. We are moving out of our apartment. Hooray! There are two reasons I'm excited. The first is the people who just moved in upstairs own a horse that barks like crazy. I don't know how they taught their horse to bark, or why they let it run free in their apartment all day and night, but they do, and it's loud. The second is the complex was raising our rent, playing the game, how bad do you want to not put up with the hassle of moving? Is it worth $100 dollars more a month? No it's not, especially with a horse living upstairs.

We are moving into a little house with hardwood floors, one more bedroom and one less bathroom. It should be really cute and homey when we're done with it, and I'm totally stoked about having a house and not an apartment, even though we're still just renting it. If you're reading this, you are in the D/FW metroplex and you have a truck, consider yourself hired. I can pay you in Little Caesar's Pizza.