round 2
Why am I calling these posts rounds? I don't know.
One thing I am starting to believe is that growing closer to Jesus has less to do with doing things with the church, and more to do with doing things for the world.
I think the church is vital to the growth of any Christian, and can serve as a resource for encouragement, recharging, community, shelter, and a group to worship with.
You can be part of a church for decades and not be changed, but you can't spend thirty minutes being Jesus to the broken without being changed.
One thing I am starting to believe is that growing closer to Jesus has less to do with doing things with the church, and more to do with doing things for the world.
I think the church is vital to the growth of any Christian, and can serve as a resource for encouragement, recharging, community, shelter, and a group to worship with.
You can be part of a church for decades and not be changed, but you can't spend thirty minutes being Jesus to the broken without being changed.
Today, I have spent several hours with my grannie. I got home and read your post and was struck by your can't be Jesus to the broken without being changed. I certainly would not compare myself to Jesus, but today, I just let Him work in my life, only Him. I walked in so sad to see her little frail and broken body curled up in the bed. I left after my 2nd visit tonight with a sense of peace, knowing that only Jesus could heal her brokenness. I felt His presence in the room as I watched the wheels of Hospice start to turn, bringing her a more comfortable bed, stronger medication to ease her pain and oxygen to use in those final hours when she needs assistance. Her precious roommate, Juanita, much younger than grannie, is hurting. I hugged her as I left and she said Sister Crouch was going to love heaven. Her nurse, Judy, came in and wrapped up her feet and covered her shoulders with a blanket, because that's how she likes it, and Judy knows that because she cares for her often. I began to realize that Jesus has been there with her all along, carrying her to this moment. I am melancholy tonight and so maybe I am rambling, but thank you for reminding me of this sweet truth about our Savior - He changes people, fixes the broken and loves us through it all. You are precious to me, son-in-law!
Hugs, Mindy
Unknown, at 7:49 PM
matt---you are fortunate to be having these "aha" moments (oprah coined that phrase i think) while you are so young in your marriage and in your life in the Lord. questions and doubts are good -- they force us to think things through and not rely on pat answers. our life on earth is meant to be so much richer and deeper than we actually allow it to be. you are swimming in the deep waters of truth --- as steven curtis chapman sings -- sink or swim, i'm divin' in -- the water is good, isn't it? --- i'm glad you are tine's sweetheart and jack's daddy -- where can i find 2 more of you for my girls? love you -- aunt donna
mamadonnax5, at 9:51 AM
Thanks Matt...I needed that today. I enjoy your posts so much. You have a sweet and caring heart. Must run in the family! HAHA
Love, Heather
Heather's House, at 6:18 PM
hey champ,
i am loving the thoughts. the church is in the actions and in the community. you are such a faithful servant to Him through your actions...and for sure in all kinds of ways in the community. how do you and tine do it all?!?!
so, what happens in round ten, should i be nervous...
i know we have a love/hate in-law thing happening-but i love you, rocky.
Emily, at 2:00 PM
Dear Matt---Just read your blog, and I am so proud of you. I didn't know you were such a deep thinker, but I love to hear you express yourself so well. When is Jack coming to see us? We keep thinking we will get up there but each time something happens. Give Christine and Jack a lot of hugs and kisses for us. Love you!!Nana
NanaWhitfield, at 7:16 PM
I'm waiting for round 3!! :)
Heather's House, at 9:09 PM
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